Sunday, July 10, 2022

Can we Imitate Christ and Suffer like Him? - Saint Symeon the New Theologian

Saint Symeon the New Theologian says, 

“Imitate Christ our God! Suffer for your own salvation even as He suffered for you.” 

How many times and ways did Christ suffered for us?

They called Him possessed by demons, a deceiver. A glutton a winebibber. A friend of tax collectors. (Mt 27:63; Jn 7:20; Mt 11:19)
He was dragged away in bonds as if He were a murderer of a criminal. (John 18:12)
Set before Pilate like a worthless man.
He received a slap in the face from a slave (John 18:22)
He was cast into prison...led away by soldiers and handed over to the people by Pilate as he said “Take him you selves and crucify him.” (John 19:6)
He was abandoned in their midst, He who is above all the heavens (Eph 4:10) and governs all things by His hand
He was pushed from one side to the other, punched by men’s fists, slapped (Mt 26:67)
He was derided and scourged (Mk 16:15; Mt 27:26)
He was led to the praetorium (Jan 18:29)
He was stopped, bound to a pillar, and received the full number of forty strips, which proclaimed that He was sentenced to death.
When he received the scarlet robe in mockery, He was slapped on the head and asked, “Who was it who struck you?” (Mt 26:69)
He was crowned with thorns, received mock homage, and was spat ion, and heard Himself mentioned in irony, “ Behold, the king of the Jews.” (Mk 15:26; Lk 33:38)
When dressed in His own clothes His neck was bound with a rope and He was led away to death.” (Mt 27ff; Mk 15:16ff)
He was loaded with His own cross. (John 19:17) 
When He had come to the place He saw it fixed in the ground.
Abandoned by His friends and disciples He was again stripped naked, hoisted up, and His hands and feet were nailed to it by the soldiers.
Left hanging there He was given a drink of bile.
He as pierced by a lance (John 19:34), blasphemed by a robber, and mocked as He heard men say, “If he is the Son of God, Lee him now come down from the cross and we will believe in him!” (Mt 27:40)

What did He do after suffering all these things? 

He gave thanks and prayed for His murderers and commended His soul into His Father’s hands. (Lk 23:34, 46)

Are we ashamed to Imitate His sufferings?

  “ If we suffer with Him we shall also be glorified with Him.” (Rom 8:17) But if we are ashamed to imitate His sufferings, which He endured for us, and to suffer as He suffered, it is obvious that we shall not become partakes with Him in His glory. If that is true of us we shall be believers in word only, not in deed. When deeds are absent, our faith is dead (James 2:17, 26).

Examine ourselves

Examine ourselves and our way of life and see if we are able to suffer like Christ. Think about even the small ways we sacrifice our worldly pleasures to be closer to Him. This includes our commitment to attending liturgies, making time for daily prayer, following the fasting guideline, reading Scripture and the Church Fathers and giving a portion of our time and wealth for charity. While these are small sacrifices compared to how Christ suffered for us but it is a start to imitate Him and suffer with Him so we “shall be glorified with Him.”

Reference: Saint Symeon the New Theologian: The Discourses, pp 128-128.


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