Saturday, July 9, 2022

On Receving Holy Communion - Saint Symeon the Theologian

What is significance of receiving Holy Communion, According to Saint Symeon the New Theologian

"We become participants of His divinity and essence, and when we eat of His all-pure flesh, I mean the holy communion—we become truly His kin, of one body with Him. 

Saint Paul says

“We are bone of His bones and flesh of His flesh” [cf. Eph 5:30], and again that “of the fullness of His divinity have we”—that is, all of us—“received, and grace upon grace” [Jn 1:16 and Col 2:9]. 

What happens at this time?

We become by grace like our Master, God, the Lover of humanity. We are renewed, our soul is made new. We are made incorruptible, as if we had already been raised, living, from the dead. This is to say, we see Him Who deigned to become like us, and we are seen by Him who have been made worthy of becoming like Him. It is as if someone were to see the face of a friend from far off, and speak to him, and converse with him, and hear his voice.

Source:  On the MysticalLife: The Ethical Discourses, vol 1, St Symeon the New Theologian, P 33-34 

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