Showing posts with label Tradition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tradition. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What is Holy Tradition and Why is It Important?

We often tell our Protestant friends that one of the differences in the Orthodox faith is that we rely on Holy Tradition and not solely on Scripture.  But what do we mean by this?  Is Scripture the foundation of Holy Tradition or is Holy Tradition the foundation for Holy Scripture?
Elder Cleopa says.
 "Holy Tradition is the teaching of the Church with a living voice, from which a portion was written down later." 
Holy Tradition contains Holy Revelation and is essential for our salvation.  It is the work of the Holy Spirit and has the same authority as Holy Scripture.

Moses was the first to recorded Holy Tradition, including the Creation story. This recording began 1400 years before Christ. Prior to this there was no Scripture. Just like the time before the Old Testament was written there was also a period of time for Christians before anything was written that they considered Holy Scripture.  Jesus taught for over three years without writing anything down.  He sent His Apostles out to teach, not write documents. It wasn't until some 30+ years later that we have the first writings of the New Testament.  Common sense tells us that what was written then could not have possibly included all that had taken place.  The reality is that Scripture, both New and Old, are born out of Holy Tradition.

Evangelist John tells us there is much more than what is written.
There are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. ( Jn 21:25)
Having many things to write to you, I did not wish to do so with paper and ink; but I hope to come to you and speak face to face, that our joy may be full. (2Jn 1:12)
 We can see from this that the Apostles taught their followers much more from the knowledge of Tradition.  Not everything was written that was passed on through their instruction.

Elder Cleopa explains how the Church has maintained the truth of the faith.  He says,
"The Church of Christ determined the truths of the faith, according to the long course of Tradition, through the teachings and canons of the holy Ecumenical Councils, decrees and the Symbol of Faith [The Creed], and with confessions [of Faith] by holy and wonderworking hierarchs such as were made at the many local synods which have been held continuously since the days of old.
He outlines the following conditions to safeguard Holy Tradition:
Do not sanction conceptions that contain inconsistencies among themselves or contradictions with the Apostolic Tradition and Holy Scripture.
Honor the Tradition is that which has been safeguarded from the Apostolic Church and has an uninterrupted continuity until today.
Protect Tradition that is confessed and practiced by the entire Orthodox Church.
Carry forward Tradition that is harmony with the greatest portion of the Fathers and ecclesiastical writers.
Paul in Corinth commends the Christians there because they obeyed his oral teachings and not simply written teachings. Paul writes "I Praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and even as I delivered to You, ye are holding fast the traditions." (1 Cor 11:2) Clearly, much of what the apostles taught is not recorded in Holy Scripture.

Teachings that were errant to those of the Apostles were always hotly defended by early Church Fathers such as Saint Ignatius and Saint Polycarp.
 Saint Irenaeus and Clement of Alexandria say: "Those who explain Scripture without the help of the church's Tradition cut asunder the significant of the truth."
Saint John Chrysostom says, "Hence it is clear that the Holy Apostles did not deliver everything by epistle; rather many things they handed down via the spoken word which is also trustworthy."
Saint Gregory of Nyssa writes: "We have the Tradition set out for us from the Fathers like an inheritance by apostolic succession and transmitted through the saints."
Saint Basil the Great says: "Among the dogmas and kerygma (evangelical truths) that are safeguarded in the Church, some we have from written teachings while others we've received orally from the Tradition of the Apostles by a concealed succession. The latter hold the same legitimacy and force as the written texts."

Elder Cleopa writes:
"Holy Scripture instructs us to do many things; however it does not make manifest to us the light. For example, it instructs us to be baptized, but it does not explain to us the method. Likewise, it guides us to  confess our sins, receive communion, be crowned (married) - but nowhere does it specify the rite of carrying-out these mysteries (sacraments).  Furthermore it tells us to pray, but doesn't  tell us how and where and when.  It tells us to make the sign of the Cross in front of our chest... but doesn't show us how." He continues with many other examples.
Finally he says:
"Whatever is of Apostolic descent and is practiced by the Fathers receives the validity of Tradition and has the power of law in the Church of Christ. Accordingly therefore, it must be safeguarded since its importance and benefit spring from the relationship that exists between it and Holy Scripture.... Holy Scripture possess its unique witness of the scriptural canon and its dogmatic character (its divine inspiration) only in and with Holy Tradition, while Holy Tradition is able to prove the authenticity of its truth only together with Holy Scripture.

Reference: The Truth of Our Faith, pp 53-65

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Is Scripture Sufficient to Guide Us to Salvation?

When this question was posed to Elder Cleopa of Romania he said the following:
No, it is not sufficient to guide man to salvation, inasmuch as , firstly, it wasn't given to man from the beginning and , secondly, when it was given it wasn't the only authentic text, with regard to salvation of human souls, because before there was Holy Tradition.  Many years before Moses began writing the first books of the Old Testament, there was a sacred piety in the community of people of Israel.  Similarly, the books of the New Testament began to be written ten years after the formal foundation of he Church which took place on the day of Pentecost. The Church chose and sealed as inspired by God the books of the two Testaments over one hundred years later.
It wasn't until the fifth century that we had the book called the New Testament as we now know it. In 419 AD there was a council of 217 Bishops who gathered in Carthage and who established a canon which determined the books to be included.  The Book of Revelation remained in dispute for many years later and thus was not included in the lectionary of the eastern Church for reading in Church services.
Holy scripture is still the most important document in the Church.  What we call Holy Tradition shows us how to interpret what it says.  No one individual has the right or ability to interpret Scripture.  This is reserved for the Church collectively.  Think about how Christ gave out the information that is included in the Scripture.  He gave it to His disciples, not to he masses, for them to teach.  And so it is still to this day.  Those who have been properly trained and received the gift of ordination have the ability to proclaim the teachings with the proper interpretations.

Elder Cleopa expresses it this way:
Our Apostle Paul says: " How shall they preach, except they be sent?" Accordingly, the bishops are the lawful successors to the Apostles and those went for the preaching to the people.  Paul entrusts the heavy burden of the instruction of the people to Timothy and not to the faithful.  He speaks of this elsewhere: "Are all Apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers?" Again he says to Timothy that the clergy must be "apt to teach" others. He does not, however, say the same thing for the faithful.  He makes a distinction between shepherd and sheep, between teacher and those taught.  Still, the teachers cannot each whatever they would like, but that which the Church teaches universally.  They teach in the name of the church and of Christ. Not everyone has the intellectual ability and the requisite divine grace necessary to expound Holy Scripture correctly.  The Apostle Peter also says this in his second epistle... "There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own distraction, as they do the other scriptures."
We are bombarded in these times with many who call themselves Christians who believe that anyone can interpret scripture and who blatantly ignore the interpretations handed down by the Church and abhor the term Holy Tradition. They have made such distortions to the point of even rejecting the Sacraments, especially the sacrament of Holy Communion.  The Holy Tradition of the Church is vast and rich allowing us to know the meaning of Scripture as it was intended by the Apostles.  It includes much more than the Books of the Testaments.  It also includes they teachings that have been incorporated in visual form in our icons and in hymnology as well as the writings of the Church Fathers. We must be cautious of Bible study programs that take place outside of the Church. Many introduce distorted teachings that not only negate the sacramental life of the Church, but also the ascetic practices such as fasting. The water down the Orthodox way of life as taught by the Apostles necessary for our spiritual growth in Christ.

Elder Cleopa warns:
Holy Scripture is like a very deep well wherein is comprised the infinite wisdom of God.  If someone thirsty dives into this well to drink all of its water, he will be drowned within.  If, however, he will fetch the water with a bucket and from there will drink from a cup, then there is not fear of being engulfed.
He then reminds us of the Scripture passage about the eunuch of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was reading the prophet Isaiah when the Apostle Philip asked him if he understood what he was reading.  And he replied,"How can I, except some man should guide me?"

God revealed His word not to just anyone.  Elder Cleopa explains:
He revealed His wisdom to those who , with respect to good works, were perfect and had innocence of infants.  That's why Paul counsels the Corinthians as follows: "Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be ye men." 
 Reference: The Truth of our Faith, pp 45 - 51