Saturday, July 13, 2024

How to Explain the Orthodox Faith to a Protestant

In Orthodoxy, we believe that salvation is not just a one-time declaration of faith, but a lifelong journey of becoming united with God, which we call theosis. This journey involves both faith and works, as Scripture teaches us that faith without works is dead (James 2:26). We see the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Confession, as vital means of receiving God’s grace and growing spiritually.

We also emphasize the role of spiritual disciplines like prayer and fasting, which help us align our lives with God’s will. This approach ensures that we are continuously transforming and growing in our relationship with God.

Orthodoxy maintains the traditions and teachings of the early Church, providing a stable and historically rooted path to salvation. By actively participating in the life of the Church and cooperating with God’s grace, we find a deep assurance and sense of peace in our journey toward eternal life.”

There is a depth in the Orthodox path to salvation, it the wholeness of Christian belief from Apostolic time, a comprehensive and assured approach to growing in faith and achieving union with God. It prepares us for the final judgement that only comes from God at His Second Coming.

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