Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Theosis 7 - St. Symeon and the Experience of Theosis


Brief Summary of Session 7: Experience of Theosis

In our seventh session, we explored the profound question, "Can we know God?" from the perspective of Theosis, a central concept in Orthodox Christianity that implies a union with God and affirms that we can indeed know Him. This concept is often contested by those who argue that God is ultimately unknowable and that the Orthodox theological foundation of Theosis is therefore invalid. To address this, we turned to Saint Gregory Palamas, who provided significant insights into the ancient Orthodox understanding of Theosis. He articulated a Truth from the earliest days of Christianity, that God is both knowable and unknowable, a distinction made clear when we differentiate between God's essence and His energies. This is akin to the analogy of the sun and its rays; just as we experience the sun's energy through its rays without comprehending the sun itself, so too do we experience God's energies, which sustain all creation without knowing the essence of God.
The Holy Spirit's work is made manifest through these divine energies. As we progress spiritually, we become more attuned to the Spirit within us, gradually overcoming the passions that dominate our behavior and starting to emulate Christ. Our ultimate goal is to cultivate a Christ-like mind, learning through God's energies to fulfill His commandments and prepare ourselves for our eventual return to paradise.

Thus, Theosis is a journey open to all, inviting us to know God and unite with Him consciously, becoming more like Christ. Saint Symeon's Hymns validate and offer a glimpse into the direct experience of God, often described as an encounter with divine light that transcends our worldly existence. Such experiences, akin to those of Saint Paul on the way to Damascus or Moses on Mount Sinai, have been part of most saints' lives, marking moments of profound holiness and miraculous works through their communion with God's energies.

This session underscored Theosis not as a theoretical concept but as an enduring truth rooted in Apostolic teachings, Scripture, and the writings of the Church Fathers. The pursuit of Theosis and the experience of the divine light are attainable goals for all devout Christians who earnestly engage with their faith and aspire to emulate Christ. It reaffirms the necessity of living an Orthodox life for our salvation. While salvation is universally available through Christ's Incarnation, achieving it requires our active effort to overcome sin, in cooperation with the divine energies through the Holy Spirit's work.

Saint Symeon's journey to Theosis began with his faith and desire for unity with God, perfected through humility expressed in his adherence to God's commandments and a life of daily prayer, notably through the Jesus Prayer. His experiences of the divine light of God, as recounted in his Hymns of Divine Love, illustrate the transformative power of this path towards becoming Christ-like in thought and deed.

I encourage you to delve into the hymns attached below to catch a glimpse of this reality as shared by Saint Symeon through his exquisite Hymns of Divine Love. If possible, obtain a copy of his book, Hymns of Divine Live, to explore all his hymns and further enrich your understanding of this spiritual journey.

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