Saturday, September 9, 2023

Should We Distance Ourselves From Music That Does Not Respect God?

In the Orthodox Church, music is seen as an important way to lift one to heavenly heights. Therefore, we should choose music that nourishes our soul. St. John Chrysostom writes, 

"Nothing so uplifts the soul, gives it wings, liberates it from the earth, and promotes its values and scorn for everything of this world as does harmonious music and a divinely composed song.”

St. John of Kronstadt advises, 

"If the sounds of music evoke calm, pure, and holy sentiments, listen and nourish your soul. However, if they awaken passions in you, stop listening and turn away from both the sound and spirit of this music."
 Whenever he encountered anything in art, entertainment, or the culture that violated the sanctity of the soul, he would quote St. Paul, 

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers. (2 Timothy 4:3).

We should avoid music that brings disharmony or disrespects God. It is important to be aware that music can also inflame passions, making it difficult to control our desires, especially regarding sexuality. Modern music often plays on this passion. The lyrics of music, like the words we read or hear, are important.

Orthodox Christians are encouraged to discern whether music aligns with their spiritual values and contributes positively to their relationship with God. Some individuals may choose to distance themselves from artists whose work does not align with their beliefs. Others may adopt a more discerning approach, seeking to find and support artists whose work resonates with their faith.

While discernment is crucial, it would not be wise to fill one's soul or mind with music that does not respect or glorify God. The question of whether individuals should distance themselves from certain music is a personal and spiritual decision. Orthodox Christianity emphasizes discernment and the cultivation of one's spiritual life, striving for holiness and purity. Believers are encouraged to guard their hearts and minds against influences that may lead them away from God.

Ultimately, the decision to distance oneself from artists whose music does not respect or worship God should be guided by one's conscience, in consultation with their spiritual father within the Orthodox tradition. It is important to approach such decisions with humility, love, and respect for the individual journeys of faith that others may be on.

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