Friday, July 22, 2022

Do you fill you idle time with media with secular content? Why?

Why do I consume so much non-Christian media, media created by those who don’t live by Christ, those who don’t glorify Him, or who may not even believe in God? 

If you are like me, out of habit you will immediately go to your phone when you are bored, or when you need to fill in an idle moment. I find that I will scan sites and read posts by people who don't share my beliefs, and even some who choose a totally different lifestyle based on non-Christian values. Some even espouse hatred, bigotry, and other non-Christian behaviors. Also, much media is designed to stimulate sexual desire and the desire for material goods.
How about the music we listen to? What are the lyrics teaching us? Does the music bring a peaceful mind. I don't often listen to music, but I know many of you listen to music all day long. 
I have begun to think about how this casual absorption of secular media of all kinds shapes my brain, my way of thinking, and eventually my behavior. I ask myself, why am I doing this? Maybe there is an alternative.

Do I allow non-Christian content because I think it is more “intelligent" and will help me?

Much of the content of what I consume in such idle moments isn't even true. It's definitely not Christian. When I analyze it I can see that the values being presented are antithetical to Orthodox teaching. Why don't I organize my phone so I will choose content that will encourage an Orthodox lifestyle? Why don't I insist on media that will call me to a moment of prayer, that will remind me of about what Christ has taught me in order to live a righteous life? Do I think this type of content is somehow less “intelligent”? Why do I choose it? I know the stuff I allow to enter my mind is created by people who don’t worship God. The god worshiped by most these days is one based on self-satisfaction, on worldly things. It's not teaching love or designed to bring peace of mind. It's not helping me to learn to better discern how to deal with all life's challenges in a way that helps me grow in Christ. I need to remember at all times what my life is all about, what is the purpose God has created for me and placed on this path we call life? I know well that this purpose is to perfect myself with His help to grow in His image and prepare for eternal life in His kingdom. I need to ask myself, "Do I really need the 'wisdom' of someone who is firmly attached to the material world and has no interest in my spiritual development?"

Are we treating Orthodoxy as an add on to our life?

If I persist in allowing social media to shape my lifestyle, to program my mind, I will find it ever more difficult to live a life in union with Him. I will be acting as if my faith is simply an add on to my life. This is not what I want. Orthodox Christianity is not something we simply add-on to the norms that make up the common lifestyle today. Orthodoxy teaches an alternative way of life based on a truth called “the way” by early Christians. If I and you are interested in our spiritual growth in Christ, we must be concerned about everything we allow to enter our minds, especially that which conflicts with His teachings. Most media today has become hostile to Christianity and is distracting souls away from Christ. I, along with you, need to find a way to minimize this mindless practice, this way we fill our idle time, this habit, and seek alternatives that will aid in the salvation of our souls.

How can we replace this distracting secular media content? 

What am I going to do? Much of what I am about to say I have done in the past before this addiction to social media and instantaneous news was so easily available. But I have been lazy in not disciplining my use of this new media world of today. I plan to  consciously make changes to spend more time reading Orthodox books. I have a Kindle app on my phone and have in it many unread books by saints who teach about the Orthodox way of life. It's easy to select one of these books and pick up where you left off previously. I don't often listen to music and prefer silence. But for those who need music to mask their noisy surroundings you can easily program apps like Apple Music or Spotify to select Orthodox hymns and Classical music made by composers who were not shy about their faith in God. Ancient Faith Radio (AFR) has an app with Orthodox music 24/7 as does the OCN network. There are also innumerable Orthodox podcasts available of AFR and OCN as well as many Orthodox YouTube channels.  There are some I now follow and others I can eliminate. There are also freely available audio versions of the Bible, numerous video series like the Bible Project with short lessons, and apps that include reading plans with commentary. I know there is more than enough content available to help you and me replace what has become a distraction for our spiritual growth. 

Now the hard part, to change my behavior. 

May the Lord have mercy and help me.

Inspired by an article by Roosh Valizadeh

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