Monday, March 21, 2022

Death and Afterlife 11 - The martyrs

How about the death of the martyrs we celebrate each day? They show us the kind of faith that destroys the fear of death. They were able to view death as better than living. You may think that this depreciates life. But this is not so. They viewed life as a gift from God and are thankful for this gift. They knew that life is only a pre-stage for a greater sacred life. Believers like the Martyrs know that only if one lives in Christ will he be able to enter the kingdom of God. They know God and experience His love.

Saint Paul writes: 

“We groan from the depths of our hearts anticipating the deliverance of our body from corruption, condemning not the present condition, but rather desiring and expecting what is greater. (ROM 8:23)”

The early Christian tombs call the departed as blessed, not beloved. This indicates that the one who has passed on is fortunate and joyous. By living a holy life they now live with the Holy Trinity.

Saint Basil answers the question how they were able to stand so firm in their faith when undergoing such horrific and gruesome torture. He wrote the following on reflecting on the Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste who cried out with thanksgiving in their torture. 

“We thank the Lord, because together with this garment we are also discarding sin. Since we put it on because of the serpent, let us remove it for the sake of a Christ. Let us not keep the garments for the sake of Paradise, which men lost because of sin. Our Lord too was naked... winter is severe, but Paradise is sweet; there is much pain in freezing, but there is sweetness in repose. Let us forbear for a little while and the bosom of the Patriarch will embrace us. We will exchange one night for an entire age. Let the leg be burned  by freezing so that it may dance eternally with the angels in the kingdom of heaven. Let the arm be cut off by freezing so that it may be able to be raised boldly toward the Master. Since as mortals we must die in any case, let us die now with a martyrs death so we may live eternally.

Because the Marty’s demonstrated such great faith their relics to this day are venerated and remain active with the Holy Spirit.

By now you are probably asking the question, What is it like to Die?

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