Monday, July 8, 2019

How Does One Come Closer to God?

Psalm 63 shows us a path to communion with God according to the commentary of Elder Aimilianos. He identifies six stages found in this Psalm.
  1. Pray at night and ardently search for God.O my God, to You I rise early at dawn. My soul has thirsted for you; how often my flesh has longed for You, in a desert land, parched and impenetrable.
  2. Separate the heart and mind from all that is within and around you. Thus I have appeared before you in Your sanctuary, that I might see Your power and Your glory.” “In order for my heart to be pure , it must be completely liberated from all earthly attachments, and then I shall know what Christ means when He says, ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Mat 5:8).’ “
  3. Place all our energies in His service.Thus I will bless you throughout my life, and in Your name I will lift up my hands.
  4. Recall God and all His benefits ceaselessly.I remembered you on my bed”. Elder Aimilianos says, It is essential to remember God, to hold God within memory, for memory fuels desire, and it is by means of desire that God becomes our possession.
  5. Experience God’s Grace.For you have become my helper, and in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.
  6. Be conscious that you are nothing, can do nothing, and are completely incapable and unworthy.My soul clings closely behind You, Your right hand upholds me.”
The Elder says,
My desire is for Christ; my longing is for Christ. It is for Him that my life is being transformed... my path is one constantly seeking after the Lord.

Reference: Psalms and the Life of Faith, by Elder Aimilianos of Simonopetra, pp 19-24

Ten Points for an Orthodox Way of Life

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