Saturday, September 7, 2024

Engaging in True Prayer: Guidance from Saint Porphyrios

When Saint Porphyrios advises, "let the Lord himself teach us to pray. Don’t try to learn it on our own," he emphasizes that true prayer is a gift from God and should be guided by Him. It is not merely a technique or a set of words to be learned but a relational and spiritual practice that deepens through God's grace. Acknowledging that we cannot perfect our prayer life solely through our efforts requires humility and openness to the Holy Spirit's guidance.

We must remember that prayer is about a personal relationship with God. Allowing the Lord to teach us means engaging in a dynamic and responsive relationship where God leads and we follow. Saint Porphyrios underscores the importance of seeking God’s direct instruction and inspiration in the journey of prayer.

Saint Porphyrios also advises us to "make entreaty to receive the divine light of divine knowledge." This divine light refers to the spiritual insight and understanding that comes from God, allowing one to perceive and comprehend spiritual truths more deeply. By asking for this light, a person opens themselves to the transformative grace of God, which enlightens the mind and heart, leading to a more profound and genuine relationship with Him. It is a call to humble oneself and recognize the need for God's guidance and wisdom in one's spiritual journey.

This divine light he refers to is the same divine light mentioned by Saint Symeon the New Theologian, who often spoke about the experience of the divine light as a tangible encounter with God’s uncreated energies. He described it as an overwhelming, transformative experience that brings profound spiritual enlightenment and union with God.

This divine light is understood in Orthodox theology as the uncreated energy of God, through which believers can experience His presence and grace. Both saints emphasize the importance of seeking this light through prayer, humility, and a deep commitment to living a holy life, as it is through this light that one comes to a true knowledge of God and is transformed in His likeness.

Saint Porphyrios, in his unassuming way, shows the path of humility and calls us to a prayer life that is mystical, opening ourselves to the uncreated energies of God. When we experience these in the form of light, we are experiencing true prayer and a direct relationship with God. This should be our aim in prayer.

Reference: Wounded by by Love, Saint Porphyrios, pg 114

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