Saturday, August 17, 2024

Turn Your Mind to God Continually

To experience the love and joy of God in our life we must make a continual effort in prayer. God’s love is always present no matter where we are or what we are doing. We must live every moment in a way aware of His loving presence and embrace This love. 

In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Paul exhorts "pray without ceasing."[2] This is a direct call for continual, unceasing prayer. The Bible repeatedly emphasizes the importance of continual, persistent, devoted prayer as a vital spiritual discipline for believers. Jesus, Paul, and the early church all modeled this practice.

How is this possible? This requires a passionate love of Jesus Christ. His life provides us with an image we should desire to copy. It is based on love. Our soul longs for His love and is not seeking an intellectual understanding. It desires much more, something that only comes from a deep place in our heart. This we find when we desire to fulfill all He asks of us out of our pure love. This is not a simple obedience based on any sense of obligation. Where obligation is involved there is not the fulness of love. We follow Him only because we love Him. In this way we become worthy of His love, always seeking to follow what he taught. Then continuous prayer becomes effortless and natural.

It’s is through continuous prayer based on our love in Him that we will find the Kingdom He promises.

Reference: Wounded by Love, Saint Porphyios, pg 113

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