Saturday, April 6, 2024


Have you thought about what it means to love God with your whole heart and whole mind? What is our condition in our prayer when we encounter worldly thoughts they take over our prayer? Isn’t this an indication that we may not be fulfilling His commandment to love God with our whole mind??

Saint Silouan explains: “When irrelevant thoughts intrude into the mind, the mind is then concerned both with God and with them, and so the commandment to Love God 'with all thy mind and all thy heart' is not fulfilled. But when the mind is entirely wrapped in God to the exclusion of every other thought - that is fulfilling the first commandment, though again, not completely." (Saint Siloian the Athonite, p. 438)

Our distractions in prayer indicate a lack of fully having our mind in God. This is our sim as wait Paul says to have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16)

The practice of the Jesus pray will lead us to a mind that is under the control of the soul. It can readily reject or ignore irrelevant thoughts.

 Learn more about the practice of the Jesus prayer.



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