Saturday, August 19, 2023

How Does an Orthodox Teenager Handle Having Non-Orthodox Friends.

Navigating friendships with individuals who may hold different beliefs or practices can be challenging for a teenager committed to their Orthodox faith. Here are some pieces of advice to help you handle these relationships with wisdom and grace:

We must remember that we are called—commanded by Christ, in fact!—to proclaim the Good News of Salvation to everyone—especially to those who have never heard it. If Christ had only hung around with religious people, the sinful woman would have never repented, the blind would have never been healed, the hopeless would have never been given hope, Zacchaeus would have never changed his life, etc. As Christ says, “I come not to save the righteous, but the sinner.” On the day of Pentecost, the apostles would have never proclaimed the Gospel to the multitudes if they had agreed to avoid everyone who did not hold the same religious beliefs. They would have stayed in the upper room, and the resurrection of Christ would have remained their private little secret. It is a grave sin not to share your faith, and explain the importance of the Gospel story and explain why you believe in The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. To hide your faith because you may be ridiculed isa denial of the Truth of your faith. An Orthodox Christian cannot believe and then shy away from others who have a different faith.

Stay grounded in your Orthodox faith maintaining a strong foundation in your own beliefs and practices. Regularly participate in church services, engage in personal prayer, and study the teachings of the Church, read the Gos[els regularly. This will help you deepen your understanding and strengthen your commitment to Orthodoxy.

Approach conversations with your non-Orthodox friends with love, respect, openness, and a willingness to listen. Seek to understand their perspectives and beliefs without fearing you will compromise your own convictions. Respectful dialogue can foster mutual understanding and friendship while allowing you to stay true to your Orthodox values.

Live out your Orthodox faith in a way that inspires others. Let your actions and behavior reflect the values you hold dear. Through your kindness, humility, and love, you can demonstrate the beauty of Orthodoxy to your friends, encouraging them to respect and appreciate your beliefs.

It's important to have healthy boundaries that align with Orthodox values. Communicate your boundaries respectfully and assertively, ensuring that your friends understand your limitations regarding activities or discussions that conflict with your faith. This will help maintain your integrity, while preserving the friendship.

Reach out to your Orthodox priest, youth group leader, or spiritual mentor for guidance and support. They can provide you with valuable advice, prayers, and encouragement as you navigate these friendships. Engaging with other Orthodox teenagers who face similar challenges can also be helpful and reassuring.

Offer prayers for your non-Orthodox friends, asking God to bless and guide them. Pray for their understanding, spiritual growth, and for opportunities to share your faith with them when appropriate. Trust in the transformative power of prayer.

Remember, the goal is not to isolate yourself from those who differ in their beliefs, but to maintain your Orthodox identity while being a positive influence in their lives. By staying true to your faith, fostering respectful dialogue, and setting healthy boundaries, you can navigate these relationships in a manner that honors both your Orthodox values and your friendships.

Don’t be preachy, at least with your words. Let your actions be an example of what an Orthodox Christian—and all mankind, for that matter—is called to be, and do, and live, and experience, and hope.

In conclusion, as an Orthodox teenager navigating friendships with non-Orthodox individuals, it is crucial to embrace the call to share the Good News of Salvation with everyone. Following the examples of Christ and the apostles, we must not shy away from engaging with those who hold different beliefs. Maintain a strong foundation in your Orthodox faith through prayer, church participation, and studying the teachings of the Church. Approach conversations with love, respect, and openness, seeking to understand others' perspectives while staying true to your convictions. Live out your faith through kind and loving actions, inspiring others to appreciate Orthodoxy. Set healthy boundaries aligned with your values, seek guidance from spiritual mentors, and offer prayers for your friends. Remember, your goal is to maintain your Orthodox identity while positively influencing their lives. 

Let your actions speak louder than words, exemplifying the calling of an Orthodox Christian and reflecting the hope and truth of your faith.

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