Thursday, July 14, 2022

Don’t be misled by those to argue against religion - Saint Luke the Surgeon


Teaching of Saint Luke the Surgeon 

Don’t be misled by those to argue against religion.

Different methods are needed to understand spiritual things.

The spiritual world is not investigated by the methods we investigate the material world. These methods are completely unsuitable for investigating the spiritual world with them.... There are phenomena that science will never be able to explain because it does not use the appropriate methods....

 Scientific methods are limited.

Can science tell us how the great prophet Isaiah 700 years before the birth of Christ predicted the most important events of His life? 

How do you explain clairvoyance of saints?

To explain to us the clairvoyant grace which the saints have, and to tell us, by what natural methods the saints acquired this grace, and how they could, as soon as they saw a man unknown, immediately understand his heart and read his thoughts?
Without waiting for the visitor to ask a question, they gave an answer to what troubled him. Let them explain to us in what way the saints foretold the great historical events which in time came to pass exactly as they had prophesied....

Do not be influenced by scientific arguments against faith.

Do not be offended when you hear what they say against the faith. Since those who say them do not understand the essence of it... You should always remember the basic principle that the first Christians knew very well.

The first Christians saw those who knew God to be blessed.

They considered unhappy the man who knows all the sciences, but does not know God. And on the contrary, they considered blessed the one who knows God, even if he knew absolutely nothing of human things.

Don’t be distracted by scientific arguments against your faith.

Keep this truth as the greatest treasure of your heart, go straight and don't look left or right. Let not what we hear against Religion make us lose our orientation. To keep our faith which is eternal and unquestionable truth. Amen.

Reference: Orthodox Gladness blog

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