Thursday, October 21, 2010

Praying for Others

It is of great benefit to pray for the benefit of others.
Elder Paisios says,
The prayer of those who pray for the world benefits the faithful Christians who have specific and serious problems, because both the former and the later “are tuned in the same frequency.”
Elder Paisios prayed for everyone daily.  He used the Book of prayers and the Psalms. He would read the whole book of psalms each day.  “sometimes, he divided the hours of the night, for instance, from 9 to 10 PM he prayed to God to protect those who return home late from work; from 11 to 12 for those who travel, so they will not be involved in accidents; from midnight to 1 AM for God to help people stay away from ill-reputed night clubs, where they usually spend the night.  In general, he prayed for every situation, for the sick people in hospitals, the married couples involved in a quarrel, for God to sympathize with there children, etc.”
Source: Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain, p 83

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