Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Harmony in Marriage

When we celebrate the sacrament of marriage we become one flesh.  As such we are committed to share all things: our possessions as well as our weakness and failings.  Love of other is the basis of a fruitful relationship.  Our trials and tribulations in marriage leads us to a firm relationship with our God.  This is the spiritual path we have chosen.  It is the arena where we work out our perfection. 

In our difficulties we must pray to be shown the way to overcome differences.  To ask that we be shown our own faults so we do not dwell only on the faults of the other.  We need to pray for the strength to forgive all the trespasses that have been made against us as well as to be forgive our own trespasses. Married life is a continual test of our Christian values n action.

Prayer is essential for a loving peace.  Married couples should pray together

Elder Macarius says,
The joint prayer of a husband and wife is a great force... Remember that under all circumstances, humility is your surest weapon.
Reference: Russian Letters of Spiritual Direction, p 89 

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